ATCA observations of source J1417-4402


On 2013.02.04 two scans of 15m30s long at pointings 14:17:16.730 -44:04:40.30 and 14:17:30.604 -44:02:57.370 were made with ATCA at 5.5 and 9.0 GHz. Here are results:

Pointing 14:17:16.730 -44:04:40.30 at 5500 MHz Pointing 14:17:16.730 -44:04:40.30 at 9000 MHz
Pointing 14:17:30.604 -44:02:57.370 at 5500 MHz Pointing 14:17:30.604 -44:02:57.370 at 9000 MHz

Pointing 14:17:16.730 -44:04:40.30

Sou: 1417-4404  Freq: 5500  Obj:  1  Ra: 14_17_16.39 -+  0.07  Dec: -44_04_39.1 -+  0.06  Flux:     1.25 -+  0.04
Sou: 1417-4404  Freq: 5500  Obj:  2  Ra: 14_17_09.86 -+  0.29  Dec: -44_01_27.4 -+  0.65  Flux:     0.63 -+  0.09
Sou: 1417-4404  Freq: 5500  Obj:  3  Ra: 14_17_13.30 -+  0.27  Dec: -44_08_41.4 -+  1.03  Flux:     0.52 -+  0.11
Sou: 1417-4404  Freq: 9000  Obj:  1  Ra: 14_17_16.39 -+  0.05  Dec: -44_04_39.3 -+  0.05  Flux:     1.15 -+  0.04

Pointing 14:17:30.604 -44:02:57.370

Sou: 1417-4402  Freq: 5500  Obj:  1  Ra: 14_17_16.39 -+  0.24  Dec: -44_04_39.1 -+  0.14  Flux:     1.19 -+  0.08
Sou: 1417-4402  Freq: 5500  Obj:  2  Ra: 14_17_53.55 -+  0.76  Dec: -43_57_35.0 -+  0.93  Flux:     2.39 -+  0.37
Sou: 1417-4402  Freq: 5500  Obj:  3  Ra: 14_17_50.14 -+  1.07  Dec: -44_02_50.1 -+  0.27  Flux:     0.40 -+  0.07
Sou: 1417-4402  Freq: 5500  Obj:  4  Ra: 14_17_09.93 -+  0.82  Dec: -44_01_28.9 -+  0.31  Flux:     0.59 -+  0.09
Sou: 1417-4402  Freq: 5500  Obj:  5  Ra: 14_17_39.72 -+  0.33  Dec: -43_59_22.1 -+  0.67  Flux:     0.79 -+  0.10
Sou: 1417-4402  Freq: 9000  Obj:  1  Ra: 14_17_16.34 -+  0.44  Dec: -44_04_39.1 -+  0.28  Flux:     1.09 -+  0.16


Flat-spectrum source J1417-4404 has been detected at both 5500 and 9000 MHz. Image rms is 37 μJy and 42 μJy at these bands respectively.

Source Right ascension ± s Declination Flux_5.5 GHz (mJy) Flux_9.0 GHz (mJy) Spectral index
1417-4404 14:17:16.39 ± 0.01 -44:04:39.1 ± 0.06 1.25 ± 0.04 1.15 ± 0.04 -0.17 ± 0.09

NB: Quoted uncertainties are formal errors. Their validity was not thoroughly checked.

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This web page was prepared by Leonid Petrov ()
Last update: 2013.02.10_22:43:52