Topic: Isobaric Mapping Function
Atmosphere parameters on 2002.05.21_00:00 from NCEP
Average and rms of the differences in meteorological parameters
from NCEP reanalysis and NCEP operational model in 2002.04
NCEP reanalysis model has a resolution 2.5x2.5 degrees, NCEP operational
model has a resolution 1x1 degrees. I used a grid 5x5 degrees in which both
models has common nodes. I did not try interpolate NCEP reanalysis model.
I've also excluded near polar regions, with latitude higher than -+ 80 degrees
in computing rms and average, since quality of models is supposed to be
significantly worse there. But there are no VLBI and GPS sites there.
Animated movie of meteorological parameters evolution
from NCEP operational and NCEP reanalysis models in 2002.04
Expression for IMF(h):

Expression for IMF(w):

Meteorological parameters above some stations.
Smoothing is done by boxcar filter with the 60 day width window.
Difference in path delay at 10 degrees elevation angle IMF(h) -
Smoothing is done by boxcar filter with the 60 day width window.
Excess path delay at HARTRAO
Smoothing is performed by boxcar filter with the 60 day width window.
Excess path delay at KOKEE
Smoothing is performed by boxcar filter with the 60 day width window.
IMFG_N (Inclination of the normal to the 200 mbar geopotential height
surface in north direction)
Units: radians. Argument: time in seconds after 2000.0. Plots end on
IMFG_E (Inclination of the normal to the 200 mbar geopotential height
surface in east direction)
Units: radians. Argument: time in seconds after 2000.0. Plots end on
Mapping function at 10 degrees elevation in North direction
Green line: IMFh,
Blue line: NMF2h,
Red line: NMFh
Without gradients:
With gradients:
Differences in positions of sources in solutions with IMFh+IMFg versus
solutions with NMF2
I made a clon of 2004b solution
imf07 where used IMFh and IMFg instead of NMFh and I constrainted
estimates of atmosphere tilt to zero instead to the apriori mean gtradents
model. For 615 soruces whose coordinates were estiamted as global parameters
I computed the differences in source coordinates of these solutions.
- Plot of Delta Delta versus declination.
- Plot of Delta Delta versus right
- Plot of Delta Alpha*cos(delta) versus
right ascension.
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Last update: 23-APR-2004 19:51:35