VLBI processing software PIMA
PIMA is a VLBI processing software package
that performs calibration for sampler distortion, system temperature,
antenna gain, phase calibration, complex bandpass calibration and evaluates
group delays, phase delay rate, group delay rate, and phase of the coherently
averaged visibility data. The output of the fringe search procedure is written
either in 1) a plain ascii file, 2) or in binary database files in the GVF
format that can be imported to VTD/post-Solve analysis software, 3) or in
a set of FITS files that can be processed with DifMap or AIPS for making
PIMA is complimentary to Haystack HOPS software,
NRAO AIPS and CASA software packages. PIMA is
oriented on batch processing of VLBI experiments for absolute astronomy and
geodesy applications. PIMA processes the data from any correlator that
generates the output compliant with
FITS-IDI specifications.
- Description of basic algorithms can be found in
L. Petrov, Y. Y. Kovalev,
E. B. Fomalont, D. Gordon, The VLBA Galactic Plane Survey —
VGaPS, 2011, Astron. J., 142, 35.
- Introduction to
- Description of
PIMA control file
(also available in PDF format)
user guide (also available in
PDF format)
wrapper scripts (also available in
PDF format)
- On normalization of visibility amplitudes in VLBI processing (PDF)
License: GNU Public License.
The latest version of the source code is
Recent changes are outlined in the
PIMA runs under Linux and MAC OS operating systems.
Installation instruction can be found
An example of installation
of PIMA and its dependencies is
- Library ncurses
(development version)
- Library
(development version)
- Library OpenBLAS
NB: custom build is required. See README for petools
- Library cfitsio
NB: custom build is required. See README for VTD
- Library FFTW
- Library petools
- Library ners
- Library spd_client
- Library VTD
- Library gvh
- Library fourpack
Mailing list
Mailing list
is for announcements
of important changes in PIMA and for user support.
Only subscribers
can post messages to the list. The messages posted to the list are
available for viewing to all from the
mail archive.
In order to subscribe or un-subscribe, please
fill a
registration form.
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This web page was prepared by Leonid Petrov
Last update: 2021.12.18_22:03:42